
Transforming Employee Retention with Sustainability

Marlies Banton
Head of Marketing

Today's workforce is more environmentally conscious than ever before, with their personal values significantly influencing their career choices. A striking study highlighted by the Independent in 2022 reveals that

More than a third of employees are willing to walk out of their job if their employer does little or nothing to fight the climate crisis.”

This underscores the growing expectation for companies to not only be profitable but also to be proactive in addressing global challenges such as climate change.

Streamlining Corporate Sustainability and Employee Satisfaction

Tackling climate change requires a focus on all emissions categories, including the often-overlooked scope 3 emissions from a company's value chain. Addressing these emissions is not just a matter of regulatory alignment, such as with the EU Taxonomy, but a strategic move to enhance employee satisfaction and retention. A concise, effective approach integrates carbon equalization directly into employee benefits, showing employees their workplace is committed to reflecting their values and making a real-world impact.

The Sustainable Employee Benefit Program: A Tailored Solution

What is the it?

The Sustainable Employee Benefit Program (SEBP) is a pioneering initiative designed to directly address the dual challenge of environmental sustainability and employee retention. By offering a structured way to equalize scope 3 emissions through employee benefits, the SEBP provides a clear path for companies to demonstrate their commitment to the planet and their workforce.

Why It Benefits Your Company:

  • Enhances Employee Engagement: Directly links employees to your sustainability efforts, fostering a sense of involvement and purpose.
  • Addresses Scope 3 Emissions: Offers a practical approach to tackle indirect emissions, aligning with regulatory expectations and demonstrating environmental leadership.
  • Boosts Retention and Attraction: Aligns with the values of the modern workforce, making your company a more attractive place to work.

How It Works:

  • Monthly Subscriptions: For ongoing engagement and impact.
  • One-Off Gifts: To celebrate milestones or as welcome gestures, tied to environmental contributions.

Take Action Today

For attracting and retaining the best talent, companies must take definitive action towards sustainability. Is your company ready to lead by example and make a lasting impact on the environment and your employees’ satisfaction and retention?

Contact Us to Learn More about how the SEBP can enhance your employee benefits.

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