Your contribution will be used to offset the exact amount of CO2 you emit.
To ensure that your money actually goes towards offsetting your carbon footprint, this process is audited and certified by an international accounting organization (Deloitte). In addition, we are legally obligated to offset the exact amount of CO2 you emit.
For reasons of integrity, we refrain from telling you rough, inaccurate figures which breakdown the allocation of your contribution to either our carbon offsetting projects or cost coverage. Let us explain.
If you happen to read specific percentages from other carbon offsetting providers, we can assure you these numbers cannot represent the whole truth. And here is why:
• Climate protection projects are bound to countless factors and change regularly.
Therefore, the allocation of resources must be re-evaluated constantly. For example, lately the rivers in Bangladesh are highly polluted so locals can only use their WADI device with water from rain ponds. This makes achieving the same impact in the project region more expensive for us, consequently shifting our allocation. Another example would be the amount of carbon sequestered by our protected rainforest in Peru, as due to shorter rain seasons the amount of biomass can decrease. The biomass absorbs CO2, so consequently when it decreases carbon offsetting certificates become more expensive.
• Drawing lines between categories is impossible.
How do you define the boundaries of categories such as project support and cost coverage? For example, does the wage of someone who monitors our projects fall under the category ‘project’ or ‘cost coverage’? We noticed these categories are grey rather than black and white.
• Fluctuating currency exchange rates.
Since we are legally bound to provide a stable price for your monthly contributions, we have to bear the costs of fluctuating currency exchange rates. As different projects and their stakeholders require different currencies to operate with, a certain change in the cost of supporting the projects is inherent.
Rather than providing inaccurate numbers we make a promise that we keep: every ton of CO2 you offset with us will be reduced by our projects. We stand by that, not only because we are legally liable to do so, but because this is at the core of our mission.
Should you have any questions, feel free to email us:
[email protected].